100% Future Serbia

BDW’s 100% FUTURE SERBIA segment is devoted to the promotion of young and talented designers, whose works are presented in shop windows all over the city center. The main idea is to transfer classical museum exhibitions to the streets of the city and to present them to a wider general audience, not only to those who regularly visit galleries and exhibitions. The exhibition will show authors who present their works as livesize objects and models.

Visitors and passers-by have a rare opportunity to see the exhibited works during an easy stroll from Kalemegdan to Slavia, while also discovering interesting new locations presenting fresh Serbian design jewels all over the town, following a special map which is widely distributed. With the 100% FUTURE SERBIA project, Belgrade Design Week supports strongly the local design scene, while by positioning the artefacts in Belgrade’s shop windows, we support the retail and horeca in times of crisis, focusing for one week the attention of media, institutions and the general public to all segments of the creative industries.


Running in the morning through the city (down what the germans call a fussgangerzone) and being amazed by all the grand empty old buildings that reminded me of my Berlin beginnings. Grafitti on buildings. Lovely broken walls with acne'd facades from decades of reverse engineering. Discovering that all the ships on the river were party boats and open till the morning. Sweating so much in one of the clubs, my phone got messed up. Losing phone in said club. Visiting belgrade police station to report a then stolen phone to a twenty-something cop with a doctor's lab coat, listening to Rammstein (loudly) while hacking out my report on a pre-electric typewriter that looked (and sounded) as if it was from some era before typewriters were invented.   Thinking of Naked Lunch. Thinking of Die-Hard. Listening to architects talk about porous facades. Thinking of old smart bombs. Imagining the flash and crunch of several floors of reinforced concrete collapsing in on themselves. Wondering why I'm the only interactive guy here. Why are there so many beautiful women in Belgrade? Why are there so many beautiful women in Belgrade?!