100 Creative Playgrounds Projects

The First Creative Playground in Kalemegdan/ Belgrade

The First Creative Playground in Kalemegdan/ Belgrade

The first creative playground built according to EU standards thanks to Lamda Development and the City of Belgrade as main donors, the Embassy of Finland in Serbia and the Finnish company “Lappset” as partners

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The Second Creative Playground in Kalemegdan/ Belgrade

The Second Creative Playground in Kalemegdan/ Belgrade

BDW in collaboration with the City of Belgrade and the NIS corporation as main donors, the Embassy of Finland in Serbia and the Finnish company “Lappset” as partners, has provided a new, inspiring and safe place for children to play

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The Third Creative Playground in the Grand Park/ Kragujevac

The Third Creative Playground in the Grand Park/ Kragujevac

The Grand Creative Park of the City of Kragujevac, is BDW’s contribution to HUMAN CITIES/ project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the EU, with the support of the City of Kragujevac and Foundation “Dragica Nikolic”

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The Forth Cretive Playground in Usce/ New Belgrade

The Forth Cretive Playground in Usce/ New Belgrade

Forth creative playground is planned to be built at the Ušće plateau in front of the UŠĆE Shopping Center, who recognized the importance of improving childen’s play and became our partner

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If we tear out one part, if we forget to mention or do not acknowledge one type of region, one type of religion, one type of gender, the whole construction will fall apart