Related Projects: Belgrade Design Week Festival 2014

The driving force behind 360 Inspiration’s trend research is Zuzanna Skalska. With Zuzanna’s rich experience and smart perspective on what’s going on in the world of design you can catch the latest inspiration for your business. She has a keen eye for what’s going on in economy, society, technology, environment and politics, visiting over 25 influential international trade fairs as well as seminars and conferences. Her approach gives you the insights and analyses you need in a concise, easy-to-understand way. Zuzanna Skalska brings trends to life in her distinctive and passionate way!

Born in Warsaw, Poland, Zuzanna Skalska has been living in The Netherlands since 1991 after studying at Design Academy Eindhoven and the Royal Academy of Fine Art & Design in Den Bosch. After graduating in 1998, Zuzanna started her career as Sensorial Trend Analyst at the Strategic Design Department of Philips Design in Eindhoven. In 2001 Zuzanna joined VanBerlo where she was responsible on a full time basis for trend research in industrial design.

In 2007, Zuzanna started to operate within VanBerlo, under the 360° brand. In 2014 she launched her own fully independent company, operating under the 360° label. Zuzanna is an author of the award-winning 360° Trend Reports books and curator of the 360 Inspiration blog. Skalska is a professional trend expert covering a large number of industries. Her ongoing trend research is focussed on finding the cross fertilisation of ideas that brands and companies can implement in their scenarios, strategies, concepts, products and services.

Zuzanna was a member of the board of management of Dutch Design Week Eindhoven (DDW) for more than seven years. Today she holds a position in the advisory board of DDW. She is also responsible for international affairs and is a design community connector. Zuzanna has since 2006 been a lecturer at TU/e Technical University Eindhoven, Department of Industrial Design, and has been a jury member of various international design awards.

Together with Li Edelkoort and Piotr Voelkel, she founded a new design academy, School of Form (SOF), in Poznan, Poland. SOF opened on October 5, 2011 and has more than 400 students. Zuzanna Skalska delivers keynote trend lectures all over the world.


So many thanks to all colleagues, Jovan and the entire Belgrade Design Week. BDW is quite different from other design events. It is more about people than products. BDW is healing for designer souls.