Related Projects: Belgrade Design Week Festival 2011

Thomas Geisler, as a new design director of the MAK Vienna and the former founder and director of the Vienna Design Week presented his work at Belgrade Design week 2011.

Since 2016 Thomas Geisler is managing director of Werkraum Bregenzerwald, an Initiative of regional handicraft businesses situated in Vorarlberg/Austria, who runs an exhibition building for innovative craftsmanship, design and architecture, which was designed by Pritzker award winner Peter Zumthor. He studied product design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and at Denmark Designskole, Copenhagen. Thomas Geisler distinguished himself as an exhibition organizer and author on the topic of contemporary design and everyday culture. Between 2010 and 2016 he was head and curator of the Collection Design at MAK Austrian Museum of Applied Arts. His work as a lecturer and researcher resulted in participating decisively on the establishment of the Victor J. Papanek Foundation at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Together with Tulga Beyerle and Lilli Hollein he was one of the founders of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, which he also initiated with his master thesis (title: designale – Grundanalyse und Konzept für ein Designfest in Wien). Furthermore he curated contributions for the Vienna Biennale 2015 and for the London Design Biennale 2016. Though Thomas himself is educated as a designer and craftsman, his passion lies within discourse, and in conveying and promoting this disciplines. He takes part in international boards and juries, was co-responsible for founding the Austria Design Net and is still part of the executive board of the Vienna Design Office – Verein Neigungsgruppe Design.


During Belgrade Design Week 2009, you enabled participants to meet with representatives from different countries, in professional, as well a sin social settings, which provided the opportunity for spontaneous interactions, where everyone was engaged in true cross-cultural dialogues. This allowed participants from different countries to become familiar with attitudes, ideas, and practices on the common topics of design.   We had received first hand accounts of current situation in creative fields and intellectual status of Belgrade Design Week, exchanged ideas and knowledge, mixed and mingled among each other. And the unique opportunity was given for all of us to establish professional relationships and develop lifelong friendships. We were eager to discover Belgrade and had a unique chance to enjoy the city! No doubt, it was our first, but not our last visit to Belgrade. All the best to Belgrade Design Week for the future to come! We are looking forward to be a part of your success