Related Projects: Belgrade Design Week Festival 2014

Miloš Dimčić was born in Pancevo, Serbia, in 1982. After graduating from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade in 2006, he moved to Germany where he obtained his PhD at the Stuttgart University in 2011.

While working at the Knippers Helbig office in Stuttgart (2007-2009) he single-handedly wrote the software used to generate the entire structure and façade of the new terminal of the Bao’an airport in Shenzhen, China. Designed by M. Fuksas, with 300.000 m2 of free from surface and more than 450.000 structural members, this is probably the largest and most complex parametrically generated structure and façade in the world. He also worked on the structural design of other large scale projects like EXPO Axis in Shanghai and Institute of Peace in Washington (designed by Moshe Safdie).

In 2011 he founded Programming Architecture and has been working in the field of parametric design and static optimization of complex buildings ever since. Among many interesting and diverse projects, he wrote the software used to analyze (and search for errors) the entire façade of the new KAPSARC research center in Riyadh, designed by Zaha Hadid.

Miloš Dimčić was a guest assistant professor at the TU Graz Faculty of Architecture, lecturer at the State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart, Germany and the University of Applied Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany. He is authorized Rhino Trainer (by McNeel Europe).

He considers himself one of the pioneers in the new growing field of automation in architecture and structural engineering. By combining software for design and static analysis he is trying to speed up the process of structural design, enhance methods of static optimization and improve energy efficiency of buildings.

When he takes a break from C++, he usually plays piano, composes and tries to come up with ideas to pursuit one of his lifelong dreams – to be a film director.

Been a few weeks after the end of the Belgrade Design Week, but in my mind is still alive all the energy collected in the three very intense days in Belgrade. I enthusiastically accepted the invitation to the BDW 2010 but, honestly, I did not expect to live a so unique experience: BDW Conference is an incredible concentration of creativity, freedom, passion and feeling that involves all participants. Amazing the people of the organization guided by the genius and craziness of Jovan!