My BDW began in Milan, having a crazy meeting with Jovan at the design library in ZONA TORTONA. 09:15 A short espresso with Mauricio Ribotti: "Are you sure you have a meeting with Jovan this time in the morning? It must be a mistake!" 09:40 a man with a small black suitcase enters the café: "Hi CARO!" both man hug. "Oh! Galit, you are also here?" We sit down and immediately start to talk "design”. After 3 espressos I know I have found my partner for the next revolution! Coming to BDW was wonderful, like meeting old friends. BDW is the most passionate conference, full of amazing designpeople that share impossible designdreams. I was honored to be a part of this group  - and would love to see you all again!

Ms. Galit Gaon is the Chief Curator of Design Museum Holon and the founder, Director and Chief Curator of the Israeli Cartoon Museum at the Mediatheque Cultural Center .

Formerly founder, director and head of Department of Product Design in Askola School of Design, Tel Aviv, as well as senior lecturer in the Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Holon. In 15 years of work Gaon initiated and curated numerous design exhibitions all over Israel, and was a partner and director of the a desgin studio for Museums, manager of program development and design management for the Tel Aviv Museum, Yad Vashem Museum, Eretz Israel Museum, Massuah Museum, the National Tibetan Museum, Tower of David Museum, the Museum of Islamic Art and various other projects of site conservation. She is a member of the board of the Advanced Design Forum of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor and a member of the board of the Israeli Institute of Packaging and Design Manufacturers Association of Israel. Gaon received a Master from the University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv and a B.Des from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design.

I stopped working for others because then I have the responsibility and I feel like an advertising agency. When I work for Yello, I can make a fool out of myself. Whatever I do I go through the process of becoming a child, an idiot, totally unimportant. When I have the responsibility to start with it is disturbing." "I think every human is a God. All our life is about becoming like a child, trying to find out who is really hidden inside yourself, who you really are, who is the divine being inside. Great alpinist climb mountains not to become world famous, but to learn something about themselves, to come closer to that inner-child. If you are exposing yourself to the process of climbing the mountain, it is very important you are prepared to make a fool of yourself, to let yourself fall into the emptiness of vague idea, and to have the courage to be a total idiot. Only then you have a chance to die with the smile on your face.