Related Projects: Belgrade Design Week Festival 2010

Viabizzuno is a company that has been making design its own reason for living; to design is a way of being, thinking and acting dedicated at 360 degrees to every action and thought in life. Viabizzuno designs light: light fittings, objects, lamps, lighting projects; but it also designs books, furnishing, apparel and graphic, editorial, culinary, photographic projects… Danilo Mandelli, export director, presented Viabizzuno’s design at Belgrade Design Week 2010.

To Viabizzuno, to design should not be intended as a simple professional activity, but a way to establish a relationship with life and the others. To design means to build something that lasts and keeps on living beyond temporary fashion. The project is a promise, a suggestion of quality and value, it is the way to fix the disorder of the world.

Viabizzuno works, designs, produces, researches and innovates, trains its staff. For years it has been creating its own design philosophy to assert itself day by day not only like an industrial reality; it aims also to create an ethic design process. The strength of Viabizzuno rely on working toward a customised design, finding solutions that didn’t exist before, integrating light with architecture and so creating a recognizable image all over the world thanks to its formal and thinking integrity at the same time. Viabizzuno becomes a philosophy of life, a thought to follow by architects and designers in the world, an image in which to identify oneself, a style.

Viabizzuno designs life around light starting from the observation. The observation above all. To observe is to understand, taking knowledge and experience one has to store and make possession of: in Viabizzuno there’s a continuous growth process, made of intuitions and linked deductions.

Listening is an important element in designer’s life. It is the humility of designers when they get in relationship with things, places, people. It is necessary to learn collecting what space gives us: sounds, colours, traces, images, words, needs. without listening, you miss the goal. And at Viabizzuno the goal is designing yourself.

For years Viabizzuno has being putting itself at the service of the most successful international fashion brands, institutions, museums, industries, design firms and public bodies by demonstrating how light has to be mixed with architecture, space, with the man who lives in, being at disposal of it. One cannot design by single light sources, but has to design the right light.

The future is in the search for the right light, no matter what is the light source. The future is in creating a culture of light and Viabizzuno is a pioneer of this culture.


Running in the morning through the city (down what the germans call a fussgangerzone) and being amazed by all the grand empty old buildings that reminded me of my Berlin beginnings. Grafitti on buildings. Lovely broken walls with acne'd facades from decades of reverse engineering. Discovering that all the ships on the river were party boats and open till the morning. Sweating so much in one of the clubs, my phone got messed up. Losing phone in said club. Visiting belgrade police station to report a then stolen phone to a twenty-something cop with a doctor's lab coat, listening to Rammstein (loudly) while hacking out my report on a pre-electric typewriter that looked (and sounded) as if it was from some era before typewriters were invented.   Thinking of Naked Lunch. Thinking of Die-Hard. Listening to architects talk about porous facades. Thinking of old smart bombs. Imagining the flash and crunch of several floors of reinforced concrete collapsing in on themselves. Wondering why I'm the only interactive guy here. Why are there so many beautiful women in Belgrade? Why are there so many beautiful women in Belgrade?!