Expanding the Boundaries

One of the biggest female stars at the forthcoming belgrade design week will be the young Slovenian designer Nika Zupanc.

After she graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana in 2000, Nika Zupanc started her career as an independent designer and has been working on numerous successful projects with globally known brands ever since, such as Moooi or Moroso. She exhibited her works at many design-exhibitions, fairs and events, winning numerous awards. Her latest exhibition gone with the wind has been shown in Milan in the beginning of April 2010, and was produced with the support of the qbiss by Trimo.

What is your favourite object that you have designed till now, and why?
It is the Lolita Lamp, for shure. It is my first one and the dearest. I wouldn‘t be where I am now without it.

What do you think about trend that, for exemple, architects make design for clothes and accessories, and fashion designers make design for furniture?
I think that cross disciplinarry creativity can bring extraordinary results – as long as the parameters of every profession are allways taken seriously, with a lot of knowledge, selfcriticism, care, passion and devotion.

What is your biggest and (or) the most daring business challenge?
To make a good living and to give back to the community by realising my deepest dreams.

How well do you know Serbian design and designers, and what do you think about it?
I am for sure very well aware of belgrade design week. I belive it became one of the most intriguing and relevant design industry meeetigs around the world. And I am looking forward very much to be part of it.

What is the biggest designer trend for 2010? Do you like it?
I do not believe in trends – and if there are any, I do not tend to like them. I think that a trully creative designer aways has to serach much be- yond the trend. The inspiration has to be find in our most ordinary everyday life experiences.

In your eyes, who is a designer – icon?

I am impressed and touched by the greatness of Marcel Wanders. I think he is an excelent art director of Moooi and a very sensitive person, open to new uderstandings of the design itself and the design sceene in general. And this is where we all have to contribute in our own way. To move the boundaries of our understandings of all the things and matters that surround us.

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What a fantastic feast this Belgrade Design Week was! Inspiring, exciting and full of intensive dialogue. More than any other conferences BDW was showing, why we are all Designers – because it's about the vibe, the passion, the people and the culture of exchange. Belgrade! We'll come back!”