Belgrade Design Week Festival 2014

“I have had a certain vision of Serbia my entire life” – to paraphrase General De Gaulle’s famous first sentence, in his “Mémoires de Guerre”, if not too inappropriate a comparison for the profane topic of design. This is the vision of a “society of knowledge”, which firstly requires a culture of knowledge – in my case with the help of my […]

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Belgrade Design Week Festival 2012

As heart piece of the DESIGN WEEK from the 7th to the 9th of June, our famous three-day educational conference FREEDOM SQUARED will be focused on scenarios for the future: finding solutions, ideas, models, tendencies for the FREEDOM needs of the entire SEE region, based on European values and standards, with the goal to define, understand and establish frameworks for a future society of FREEDOM.

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Belgrade Design Week Festival 2008

The globally sensational creative industry conference will be held again in Belgrade from May 8 to 10, 2008. Crème de la crème in world branding, advertising, design, architecture, publishing, new media and business will show you their vision of MODERN LIVING. The conference programme, divided into three thematic parts (Modern Classics, Modern Luxury and Blade […]

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Yes to fluid and amorphous forms. Yes to intelligent design. Yes to diverse, interconnected elements. And yes to organic beauty.