Best Impressions From Belgrade Design Week 2012

Leon Jakimic, Lasvit, CZ
“I totally enjoyed the people, the city, and the party! The Belgrade Design Week was a perfect opportunity for me to visit the land of my ancestors, and combine it with meeting many interesting characters who really matter in the world of design and architecture. But the party was really the highlight. Will come back in the future for sure. Ja volim da budem u Beogradu!”
Ole Jensen, DK
“Before I went to Belgrade I was stressed out, sour and introverted. When I got home, I was relaxed, happy and open. Exactly as the BDW is. So many thanks to all colleagues, Jovan and the entire Belgrade Design Week. BDW is quite different from other design events. It is more about people than products. BDW is healing for designer souls.”

Matti Klenell, SE

“I would like to thank you at BDW and all the others involved for a fantastic experience in the beautiful city of Belgrade! It was truly amazing and extremely inspiring to take part of it and I will keep the memory forever. It gave me a lot of new knowledge, input, contacts and most of all great new friends! What you have done and hopefully will keep doing can’t be replaced by any other event. It’s unique and makes a difference.”
Dusan Reljin, USA
“I didn’t know what to expect when I agreed to do Belgrade design week. It was a pleasant surprise and a fantastic experience. I am very proud to be from Belgrade and to be able to attend such an amazing event in Belgrade with so many respected and talented people. Thank you for inviting me, I would love to come back and do it again.”
Thomas Feichtner, AT
“Many thanks for the invitation to Belgrade. I had heard about the BDW from many colleagues and they where all enthusiastic about it. I really enjoyed this days, it was a spectacular design party full with positive vibrations and warm hospitality. I would like to take this opportunity to assure my friend Jovan my deep respect. You managed to accomplish an incredible design fireworks and it was a great honor to be a part of it. We all came together as design experts and left Belgrade as close friends.”
Petter Neby, Punkt, CH
“Belgrade Design Week is the gateway to the large nascent design area, spanning from Serbia all the way to Istanbul, which will grow evermore influential over the next decennia. You simply cannot miss out on this opportunity!”
Herbert Wright, Blueprint Magazine, UK
“Belgrade Design Week attracts top-flight speakers from around the world and showcases local-regional products and designs that stand up to the best European standards. Founder and curator Jovan Jelovac proved to be an excellent MC for the packed schedule. A natural showman, he introduced each speaker as if hosting a super-hip Gala Performance, then asked them questions with an informed cosmopolitanism worthy of a top London, New York or Milan event. There were some inspirational speakers, but it wasn’t all presentations. Nor even drinks and parties in überhip venues dotted like outposts of recession oblivious designer cool across the beautiful city- there were exhibitions as well. Here’s hoping that by sampling and showcasing the global design scene, the annual Belgrade Design Week will inspire a new generation of Balkan designers- they can only make life better.”
Pekka Orpana, Finnish Ambassador in Serbia
“Belgrade is today a vibrant city with a lot of creative people. I was very impressed of Belgrade Design Week – of the very high quality of presentations and such a strong and numerous audience. The practical arrangements and the venue was perfect. To anyone interested of Serbia’s potential on design and architecture, participation in the Design Week is a must. Great opportunity to meet great creative people from Serbia and all around the world. This year we had one Finn making a presentation about Aalto University and Helsinki World Capital of Design 2012 and I will certainly encourage next year a strong participation from Finland. Belgrade Design Week is an important tool to harness creativity to foster wellbeing in Serbia and to build connections with the rest of the world.

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Running in the morning through the city (down what the germans call a fussgangerzone) and being amazed by all the grand empty old buildings that reminded me of my Berlin beginnings. Grafitti on buildings. Lovely broken walls with acne'd facades from decades of reverse engineering. Discovering that all the ships on the river were party boats and open till the morning. Sweating so much in one of the clubs, my phone got messed up. Losing phone in said club. Visiting belgrade police station to report a then stolen phone to a twenty-something cop with a doctor's lab coat, listening to Rammstein (loudly) while hacking out my report on a pre-electric typewriter that looked (and sounded) as if it was from some era before typewriters were invented.   Thinking of Naked Lunch. Thinking of Die-Hard. Listening to architects talk about porous facades. Thinking of old smart bombs. Imagining the flash and crunch of several floors of reinforced concrete collapsing in on themselves. Wondering why I'm the only interactive guy here. Why are there so many beautiful women in Belgrade? Why are there so many beautiful women in Belgrade?!