Belgrade Design Week Festival 2009

In the same way that the working class was dominant in the early decades of the 20th century, and the service class in its second half, will the CREATIVE CLASS dominate the economic and cultural life in the 21st century. Although not as numerous, it currently represents the driver of development and the source of change for the entire economy, and in the same time embodies the spirit of the times we live in.

CREATIVITY… is currently the deciding source of advantage in the marketplace. (R. Florida)

Belgrade – with its festival of creativity, the first capital from Vienna to Istanbul to open opportunities for the entire SEE region to engage in the process of rethinking the lifestyles of societies in transition, and clearly mark the strategic direction for the development of their culture, industry, communication, design and modern business.

Belgrade Design Week – the first festival of the creative industry and the modern business to act as central platform for the development of innovative ideas in Serbia and the region, shaping the development of entire generations of professionals in the areas of communication and design. From its foundation in 2006, BDW gathers leaders in the fields of branding, architecture, design, media, advertising, art, publishing, education and business opinion makers in general, educating and providing the forum for the congregation of new global standards with the regional impetus.

Why BDW?

… because knowledge and ideas drive the

modernization of our society and the creation of wealth

and wellbeing

… because creativity and innovation form the basis of

economic and cultural relationship today

… because the speed to accept the standards and

language with which the global market communicates,

measures what one can offer back to the world

… because the exchange of knowledge and experiences

is the best way to learn about each other, and gain

actionable insights about one’s own capabilities

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I just loved attending the Belgrade Design Festival everything was just perfect not only did I feel spoiled by the organization and captivated by the city, the audience was super receptive and it was a great experience to share the Camper story with such a great atmosphere.