This year’s Belgrade Design Week will take place from October 6 to 11 2014, snugged nicely between the dates of design weeks in London / Vienna and Eindhoven / Kortrijk. For the ninth year without hiatus, it will include the world famous international conference BDW 2014, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday – the 9th, 10th and the 11th of October, as well as the traditional exhibition program BDW DIZAJNPARK, the professional BDW DIZAJNLABS program, and the additional city-wide staelite program of BDW PREMIERS, inlcuding our notorious DIZAJNIGHTS!

For the first time in its history, BDW will be held under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic of Serbia and the Mayor of Belgrade, in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, with key support from embassies and institutions from Japan, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany and the EU Comission in Serbia. The topic of this year’s conference is SENSE SQUARED, and in BDW’s nonpareil fashion, we will once again present the global and regional “Greatest Creative Minds of the 21st Century” in the fields of architecture, advertising, branding, business, communication, digital, design, film, fashion, publishing and entrepreneurship.

In addition, during BDW2014 the world premiere of 100% SERBIA will be launched, an important new multimedia exhibition of Serbian creative thought, planned to travel to a dozen of the most important global destinations following the Belgrade premiere!. As in previous years, BDW2014 will present over 100 unique works from over 20 countries worldwide, as well as the most outstanding showcases of the Serbian and regional creative industries, in presence of more than 150 accredited media representatives from around the world, which will once again place Belgrade and Serbia on the global creative map, connecting it with expressions such as innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, progress, under BDW’s now traditional call: “CREATE NEW VALUE”.

You can stay current on the latest BDW information by visiting our website and by subscribing to the BDW newsletter


I stopped working for others because then I have the responsibility and I feel like an advertising agency. When I work for Yello, I can make a fool out of myself. Whatever I do I go through the process of becoming a child, an idiot, totally unimportant. When I have the responsibility to start with it is disturbing." "I think every human is a God. All our life is about becoming like a child, trying to find out who is really hidden inside yourself, who you really are, who is the divine being inside. Great alpinist climb mountains not to become world famous, but to learn something about themselves, to come closer to that inner-child. If you are exposing yourself to the process of climbing the mountain, it is very important you are prepared to make a fool of yourself, to let yourself fall into the emptiness of vague idea, and to have the courage to be a total idiot. Only then you have a chance to die with the smile on your face.