BELGRADE DESIGN WEEK 2014 is about to start!

We are pleased to announce that BELGRADE DESIGN WEEK 2014 is about to start!

We would like to kindly invite you to the BDW DIZAJNPARK GRAND OPENING , October 7th at 19h, The Old Staklopan Factory, Strahinjića Bana 7-9

The Festival will be held from October 6th to 12th at the Old Staklopan Factory in Belgrade (Serbia) and present the selection of most creative, innovative and productive work of the world’s greatest minds in all fields of global creative industries – design, architecture, advertising, branding, digital media, publishing, development, film – divided into three major segments: ARCHITECTURE, DESIGN and COMMUNICATION

October 9th / 10th / 11th   BDW 2014 International Conference: BRAND NEW WORLD

October 6th – 12th      100% Future Serbia / Opening ceremony of 100% Future Serbia will be on October 6th, at 19h, at KC Grad, Braće Krsmanovića 4. FREE entry!

October 7th – 12th      DizajnPark exhibitions / GRAND OPENING of BDW DizajnPark will be on October 7th, at 19h, at Old STAKLOPAN Factory, Strahinjića Bana 7-9. FREE entry.

October 7th – 8th   DizajnLabs workshops / Two amazing days with world experts, at Old STAKLOPAN factory,Strahinjća Bana 7-9.

October 8th            Creative Forum Serbia & PECHA KUCHA Nights    / On Wednesday, October 8th, at Old STAKLOPAN factory, Strahinjića Bana 7-9, best Serbian architects, illustrators, fashion, graphic and product designers present 20 slides each 20 seconds.

For more information please consult our site.

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I just loved attending the Belgrade Design Festival everything was just perfect not only did I feel spoiled by the organization and captivated by the city, the audience was super receptive and it was a great experience to share the Camper story with such a great atmosphere.