Punkt. is delighted to announce the winner of our very first design award, which was set up to honour the outstanding work presented by eighteen students in the Industrial Design Faculty of the University of Art and Design Basel, HGK following a semester-long design programme in 2013.


Viewing the design realisations at the end of the semester inspired Petter Neby, founder of Punkt., to set up an award.


In his words: “Punkt. believes design schools are a major source of creative talent, and business plays an important role in bringing academy and industry together for a brighter future. The designs by the eighteen students from HGK represent a rich combination of award-worthy creativity, insight and design skills.”

A jury of three design experts – Jasper Morrison (art director of Punkt.), John Tree (chief designer at Jasper Morrison Ltd.) and Jovan Jelovac (Founder and Creative Director of the Belgrade Design Week) – was appointed to assess the work according to strict evaluation criteria.

Product mock-ups included a DAB Radio, Bluetooth speakers, a camera, calculator, extension cord, data storage device, headphones and a mini-beamer and the jury examined elements such as functionality, archetypal form, usability, choice of materials, design details, strength of concept, compatibility and emotional impact.

The jury selected the Reflector Projector (RP 01) as the winning design.



The winner, Flavia Braendle, was announced during an award ceremony hosted at the new University campus in Basel, on October 28 2014.


The Reflection Projector (RP 01)




“It is simple, clever and both delightful and surprising in its operation”. Jasper Morrison.

Designer: Flavia Braendle


Flavia Braendle was born on May 22 1989 in St. Gallen, Switzerland. After completing an apprenticeship and working as a gilder Flavia decided to pursue industrial design studies at the University of Art and Design, HGK, Basel. She is interested in the design processes behind everyday objects and in creating products that she can relate to.

Special thanks to Sven Adolph (course instructor) and Damian Schneider (assistant) of the Design Faculty of University of Art and Design Basel, HGK for making Punkt.’s first design award possible.




Project leaders

Petter Neby


Petter Neby founded Punkt. in 2008 to offer modern-day consumers a simple design alternative to the complicated multi-functional devices which dominate the consumer electronics market.

Sven Adolph


Sven Adolph is a teacher at the Academy of Art and Design, Basel and runs his own practice, Momentum Design in Zurich. He boasts broad experience in the field, having honed his skills at international design consultancies in Boston, San Francisco, Milan and Zurich, as well as with Philips Design.

The Jury

Jasper Morrison


One of today’s most influential industrial designers, is renowned for his ability to enhance normality through design. He works with some of the world’s most successful design brands and has offices in London, Paris and Tokyo. Jasper Morrison has led design for Punkt. since 2011 and is the designer behind the DP 01 Cordless Phone and the AC 01 Alarm Clock.

John Tree


John Tree has worked with Jasper Morrison for over 10 years and currently manages the brand’s head office in London, where he leads product design projects for a diverse field of unique global clients.

Jovan Jelovac


Jovan Jelovac is the founder and curator of the annual design festival The Belgrade Design Week. He has worked in the top ranks of the global creative community for over twenty years, pioneering and promoting design culture in his native country, Serbia.

My BDW began in Milan, having a crazy meeting with Jovan at the design library in ZONA TORTONA. 09:15 A short espresso with Mauricio Ribotti: "Are you sure you have a meeting with Jovan this time in the morning? It must be a mistake!" 09:40 a man with a small black suitcase enters the café: "Hi CARO!" both man hug. "Oh! Galit, you are also here?" We sit down and immediately start to talk "design”. After 3 espressos I know I have found my partner for the next revolution! Coming to BDW was wonderful, like meeting old friends. BDW is the most passionate conference, full of amazing designpeople that share impossible designdreams. I was honored to be a part of this group  - and would love to see you all again!